How a B2B Tech Company Used Account Based Marketing (ABM) to Close More High-Value Deals


Korbyt is at the forefront of helping to transform workplace experience making it easy to reach and engage your audience by delivering personalized, secure information to any enterprise communication channel or device. Korbyt came to Expert Marketing Advisors looking to use account based marketing to improve lead conversion and close more high value deals.

ABM Approach Defined

When we first began working with Korbyt, they were a well-established company with a strong inbound marketing foundation. With this strong foundation in place, Korbyt decided to move forward with an Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategy to better personalize communication and tailor content and campaign efforts to very specific high-value accounts.

When implementing ABM, there needs to be a strong working relationship between marketing and sales to ensure targeted accounts receive an engaging buying experience. A seamless experience in the hand off from marketing to sales often determines the success of an ABM approach.

In conversations between marketing and sales, Korbyt defined the verticals and Ideal Customer Personas (ICPs), and we took a deep dive into each of these accounts looking at:

Preparing for Launch:
  • The current stage of the company including maturity, size, and growth trajectory.
  • Company revenue and market position.
  • Tools and platforms they are currently using.
  • The responsibilities, problems, concerns and business objectives of their ICP.

Expectations and process

After spending the first month developing an in-depth buyer journey framework, eMa outlined drip campaigns based on lead source and audience segmentation.

Each month, list pulls were done pulling contacts based on company names. Specific and customized nurtures and outbound touches were developed to be utilized across both marketing and sales. The initial goal with these cold leads was to warm them up with brand awareness campaigns.

A full weekly cadence of inbound and outbound activities were running by the second month of the engagement. Heavy focus was placed on scaling social media efforts and promoting content within targeted LinkedIn groups. A monthly cadence of co-branded webinars was implemented to penetrate new markets and target audiences. We were able to quickly implement a full marketing programs cadence month-over-month to generate MQLs and hand off high quality leads to sales.

The results

We began our ABM approach at the beginning of Q4. By the close of Q4, we were tracking conversions far above industry benchmarks.


Raw leads Produced


Leads conversion (MQL)


Converted Leads


Qualified conversion (SQL)


Qualified leads produced


opportunity created conversion


Opportunity created


Close rate (closed won)


Deals closed

Check out additional resources


Account Based Marketing: Metrics That Matter


Discover the clear advantages of ABM, learn how to craft a winning strategy step-by-step


Unlocking Success: ABM Best Practices and Metrics for Measuring Impact

Ready to Attract, Nurture, and Convert?
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