How to Measure the Success of Digital PR?

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Digital PR is a strategy that aims to increase the online visibility and reputation of a brand by creating and distributing content, building relationships with online influencers and journalists, and earning high-quality backlinks from relevant websites.

To measure the success of a digital PR campaign, you need to define your goals and track the metrics that align with them. Some of the common metrics that can help you evaluate your digital PR efforts are:


  • Email opens: If you are sending out press releases or pitches to journalists or bloggers, you can use tools like Mailtrack or Mailchimp to track how many of them open your emails and click on your links. This can help you gauge the interest and relevance of your content for your target audience.
  • Coverage: You can use tools like Coverage Book or Meltwater to monitor how many times your digital PR content gets published on online media outlets, blogs, podcasts, social media platforms, etc. You can also check the quality and sentiment of the coverage, as well as the reach and engagement it generates.
  • Backlinks: One of the main benefits of digital PR is that it can improve your SEO by earning backlinks from authoritative websites that link back to your website. You can use tools like Moz or Ahrefs to check the number and quality of backlinks you get from your digital PR campaigns. You can also measure the domain authority (DA) of the websites that link to you, which is a score that predicts how well they rank on search engines.
  • Traffic: You can use tools like Google Analytics or SimilarWeb to measure how much traffic your website gets from your digital PR campaigns. You can also segment the traffic by source, medium, channel, etc. to see which platforms or websites drive the most visitors to your website. You can also track the behavior and actions of the visitors, such as bounce rate, time on site, pages per session, conversions, etc.
  • Social media engagement: You can use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to measure how much engagement your digital PR campaigns generate on social media platforms. You can track metrics such as likes, comments, shares, mentions, retweets, etc. You can also monitor the sentiment and feedback of the social media users who interact with your content.


These are some of the effective methods to measure digital PR campaign success. However, you should always keep in mind that different campaigns may have different goals and outcomes, so you should choose the metrics that best suit your objectives and expectations.

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