What are SKAGs in Google Ads?

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A SKAG model in PPC is a strategy that involves creating ad groups with only one keyword in each group. SKAG stands for Single Keyword Ad Group. The purpose of this strategy is to improve the relevance and quality of the ads, as well as the performance and ROI of the campaigns. A SKAG model allows you to:


  • Match your ad copy to your keyword: By having only one keyword per ad group, you can write more specific and compelling ads that match the user’s search intent and query. This can increase your click-through rate (CTR) and quality score.
  • Control your bids and budgets: By having only one keyword per ad group, you can set more accurate and efficient bids and budgets for each keyword. This can help you optimize your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-conversion.
  • Track and optimize your results: By having only one keyword per ad group, you can easily measure and analyze the performance of each keyword. This can help you identify the best and worst performing keywords and make data-driven decisions to improve your campaigns.


A SKAG model can be applied to any type of PPC campaign, such as Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, or Amazon Ads. However, it can also be time-consuming and complex to set up and manage, especially for large accounts with many keywords. Therefore, some PPC marketers may prefer to use other strategies or tools to achieve similar results.

  • Name: A fictional name that helps you humanize your persona and refer to them easily.
  • Demographics: Basic information such as age, gender, location, income, education, etc.
  • Background: Relevant details about their personal and professional life, such as family, hobbies, job role, industry, etc.
  • Goals: The desired outcomes or achievements that motivate them to buy your product or service.
  • Challenges: The problems or obstacles that prevent them from reaching their goals or cause them pain.
  • Solutions: The ways your product or service can help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.
  • Buying patterns: Information about how they make purchase decisions, such as their preferred channels, sources of information, criteria, influencers, etc.
  • Objections: The reasons why they might hesitate or refuse to buy your product or service.
  • Photo: A stock image or illustration that gives a face to your persona and makes them more realistic.

To create a buyer persona, you need to conduct market research and gather insights from your actual customer base through surveys, interviews, social media analysis, etc. You can use a buyer persona template to organize and present your findings in a clear and concise way.

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