Salesforce Implementation Checklist:

10 Must Do’s in Every New Salesforce Org

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Having a great Salesforce implementation strategy from the start is the best way to achieve optimal ROI on your Salesforce investment while building a scalable, long-term solution that your company can use for years to come.

Join Expert Marketing Advisors and Quickly Consulting to learn what tools are needed to help achieve the best ROI for your business. 5X certified specialist, Stacy O’Leary will take you step-by-step through the process of setting up Salesforce to meet the needs of your organization. With Salesforce specific marketing guidance we are here to help give the best direction for your organization.


Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining. This is our Salesforce implementation checklist webinar. We’re going to be talking about 10 must do’s in every new Salesforce org today. So thank you to Courtney and on, and all of my friends at expert marketing advisors for helping set this up and hosting.

We’ve been seeing a lot of questions about setting up new orgs. And so we wanted to do this webinars to kind of share our tips and best practices. And so we’re really excited to get started today.

So I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Stacy. I’m a Salesforce consultant and I partner with expert marketing advisors for all of their Salesforce needs. I have been a Salesforce users since 2008. And administrator since 2013 and I’ve been doing consulting for over two years now. So I have lots of experience working in a lot of different types of orders.

And I also have five certifications. So I worked really hard for those, and I try to show those off every opportunity I get. But my goal as a consultant and a Salesforce administrator is to really help. Get the maximum ROI, maximum benefit from Salesforce with out of the box functionality and to set them up for long-term success.

And those things really start at the beginning of your Salesforce implementation. So that’s what we’re going to go over today.

So right out of the start. Every single time you get a new Salesforce org. Every time you get hired at a new company that sales have Salesforce, the very first thing you’re going to want to do is to enable my domain. Now

I’m sharing right now. Salesforce, can you guys see that? I’m going to go here and show you how to do my domain.

So right here, my domain is a feature that’s going to allow you to sort of give a custom URL for your customers. And they are going to. Be able to have the URL for their company show up right in the URL bar. Now, what you’re going to see up here is you can see my instance and a one

So that’s what server I’m on. That’s the instance that Salesforce is using to host my company. Now that is not permanent every 18 months to. Two years or so Salesforce does an instance refresh and that URL for you is actually going to change. Oh, it looks like my Salesforce is not showing. Hold on just a second.

Let’s get that fixed up for you.

Let’s do this one more time.

How about that? That looks like it works now.

All right. So what you’re looking at right now is the area where you’re going to set up your custom domain. So like I said, that instance that you’re on and Salesforce is going to change every few years. When you implement my domain, you add that protection to your org where your URL never going to change.

And we don’t want it to change because you’re probably going to have integrations for Marketo or for discover org or for. SalesLoft or any of these other tools that will connect and you want those to be protected and you want all of your email links to always work. You want everyone to always be able to find what they need in Salesforce.

So we’re going to use my domain to give them that ability. So you can see here. My domain is party planners, USA. I registered that domain and then I will be able to go through these steps and deploy to my users. And then once I do that, my URL will actually change right here. Now, the next thing you’re going to want to do is kind of give your users that warm and fuzzy.

Feeling with using Salesforce. So you need to add your company logo branding, background colors, get a style guide bragger graphic designer at your company, if you have to, but you really want your users to be happy when they go to Salesforce and they log in and it looks like it belongs to your company.

And it’s not just some random tool you guys are using. The next thing you want to set up is your field history tracking. Now, when you get a new org field history tracking is not turned on by default. So you don’t want people to start logging into Salesforce and start using it. And then six months later, you can’t figure out where all this data came from.

So in your history tracking here, It’s this little checkbox enable account history. You would do this for all of your options. And then you’re going to see your options pop up. Now, this looks the same in classic enlightening. I’ll toggle to lightening and just a minute and show you, but I generally always choose record name.

If you have any kind of status, any kind of types, field, anything that’s identifying. So maybe an email address for a person. When we’re talking about leads and contacts, a good thing to always choose is the email opt out button. You want to know who is clicking on that or when they’re clicking on that.

So enlightening, here’s what that looks like in your object manager, same path. We go to accounts, field history tracking, and we’re going to turn that. And you want to do this before you get users in your org, because you’ll be able to tell who’s doing what and where that data is coming from. The last thing that you want to do is disabled quick create now quick rate, it’s kind of the older product, older feature of Salesforce, but if you have anyone still using classic, you definitely want to disable that quick create allows people to create new records without actually.

Going through any of the validation or data quality enforcements that you’ve put on for your records. So it’s really caused a lot of bad data, a lot of dirty data for customers. And end users don’t even know that they’re doing something wrong because they, they really don’t hit any errors when they’re entering information.

Cause quick, create avoids all that. So you want to just turn it off. You want to enforce data quality, as soon as you get your org.

So the next steps you need to do when you’re setting up your new org, take a little bit more time. You want to focus on them and do it the right way. I always do duplicate rules and every new org we turn on, we want to enforce data quality again, right at the beginning. And you do that right in your setup.

Now there are a few out of the box, duplicate rules. I don’t like them because they don’t tell the user exactly what is wrong or how to fix it. They’re also not based on what counts as a duplicate in your business. So for your business, maybe. An email address should be unique and pretty much for everybody that’s the case, right?

We don’t want to have six people in our org with the exact same email, so leads and contacts. We always want to have a unique email, but with accounts, most people consider two accounts with the exact same account name as a duplicate. You probably want to prevent that, but you also want to work with your company and find out what really counts is the duplicate.

You might actually be okay with having two accounts with the exact same name, as long as they’re in a different country. So do some investigation within your company and find out what counts as a duplicate. Generally there’s six rules. Put in. So that’s account name, exact. We block it, account names, fuzzy.

We allow it, but we give a warning and then contact to contact, email, exact contact to lead email exhausts, and then the opposite. So lead to lead email, exact and lead to contact, email exact. We block all of them. There are four different actions there and we tell the user what to do for each action. So we give the user a path to self troubleshoot their own problem.

Next thing you want to do is set up custom profiles. Now Salesforce does give some standard profiles out of the box. They actually recommend as a best practice that you don’t use those. You want to create some custom profiles, give them a common naming convention like for we’re expert marketing advisor.

So we might call our profiles, you know, EMA admin, EMA sales rep, EMA solution. Those are going to give your users the ability and permissions to do the things that they should be able to do in Salesforce, but not the things they shouldn’t be able to do. One common mistake we see a lot is that people just give everybody an administrator profile when they, when they get Salesforce.

And that’s really dangerous, obviously you don’t want to be doing that. So make sure you set up custom profiles. Now when you’re setting up custom profiles, another very particular type of profile you want to set up is your marketing integration program. Most people have Pardot, Marketo, HubSpot, some other kind of marketing tool.

That’s going to be integrated into Salesforce. You want to give that user a very specific profile tailor to them and also a user license do not share your marketing integration user license with your admin or with. The person, otherwise it’s going to cause your data to get really confused and muddy.

And you won’t know, who’s making all these changes in your system who is adding these leads. Is it a person or is it your integration user? So you want to keep those separate. The last thing for this section that we want to add is our opportunity pipeline snapshots. So snapshotting is a really cool feature of Salesforce, but not a lot of people use, but what it does is it takes a picture of your day.

And then it saves it on a custom object. So then you can report on that custom object. Now, a lot of, one of the big questions we get asked is what was my pipeline six months ago. And how does it compare to today? Well, when you’re reporting in Salesforce, you can only report on the data that is in Salesforce right now.

You can’t, there’s no time machine, you can’t go back. You really want to be able to have that data so you can answer it. Your CFO or your sales leadership. When they ask you this question, when you turn on your opportunity, pipeline snapshots, it’s going to start taking a picture of all of your open opportunities at whatever schedule you decide.

Usually we do weekly. You can decide whatever works for your company, but we want that picture so that we can watch our pipeline trend change over time.

The last two things are the more time consuming things that you’re going to do, but really, really important. Now you’re marketing to sales lifecycle. This is the bread and butter of your Salesforce. So what I’m talking about here is your lead status and your opportunity stage. So on a lead let’s look at bursa here.

So right now we have. These four statuses, that’s it. So this is where you need to make friends with your marketing team. You need to find out what does your marketing lifecycle look like and what are the steps that a lead should go through? So generally we start with a new working MQL marketing, qualified SQL.

Maybe you have Sal sales accepted lead. You could have something for disqualified. You probably want something for nurture for those leads who just need to kind of receive newsletters in the background, but you’re not actively marketing to them. And then you might have one for an existing account or an existing customer.

Like if one of your current customers goes and fills out a form, you probably aren’t going to market to them the same that you would to a regular new leads. That’s really, really important to get your lead lifecycle nailed down outside of Salesforce. Then you can put it in here in your lead statuses and you will, your users will be able to walk their leads through all of the steps to get through that cycle.

Now, this is only half of your marketing to sales life cycle. The second half is on your opportunity. So that’s going to be here. So this one has actually a lot of steps. I wouldn’t recommend this many, but you probably want maybe six or so. Whatever stages an opportunity needs to go through and then close one and close loss.

This is where you’re trying to work with your sales leadership team to find out. What stages does a deal need to go through before we get to closed one? What is the probability for each of those things? You want to find all that out before you implement it? That way your sales reps can do the same thing here.

They can clearly see what path and the things they need to do to get that deal to close. Once those things, your lead status and your opportunity stages are put into place, then you can start running reports and dashboards on, you know, how many opportunities do you have in each stage? How many leads are currently qualified?

All of that data is going to be really interesting and really valuable to your leadership team. And as an admin, that’s some of the first things that are going to come to you for, so you want to make sure your status and stages are set up correctly. Now, the last thing that you want to implement is a change management process and Salesforce.

This is really, really important if well really for everybody. Every change that you do in Salesforce needs to be logged and tracked. You want to know who requested it, why did they request it? What is the priority? What are we going to do with this feature? And then what you’ll be able to do with that is reference back to it in the future.

So let’s say a year from now, you probably haven’t memorized every single change you’ve ever made to. So someone’s going to ask you, Hey, what is this checkbox for? I’ve never used it. If you’re, if you don’t remember, you can look up and. Look at the history and see what’s going on with that checkbox. Maybe in five years, someone’s going to be doing a cleanup project on your org and there’s a field that’s never been used.

You’ll be, they’ll be able to make a better decision on whether they can get rid of it or not. It’s really helpful also with automation. With triggers. If you have a developer implement some code for you, your change management process is the right place to capture all those requirements and define what the code is supposed to do that way in the future.

If it breaks You can reference back your change management and see what it’s supposed to do and see is it actually broken? Did we maybe have something happened that we didn’t plan for? That’s pretty common, something unexpected. So your change management process is going to be a really good place to hold all that information.

It will also be good to track. Your work as an administrator. So if you’re a solo admin, this is a really good thing where you can go to your management and say, yes, I am a valuable part of this team. Here is the work that I have been doing. So you can show how many requests you have completed. You can show what you’ve been working on.

You could even add like a department to your change request process, and you can say, well, you know, sales takes up. 50% of the workload and the rest is a mix of all the other teams. So I really like change management process for. Tracking all your changes in Salesforce. Now this list, these top 10 things we’ve gone through, these are not the only 10 things you need to do.

There are lots and lots of things that need to be done to set up Salesforce correctly, but these are kind of the 10 most critical things. So, you know, if you’re doing a new Salesforce implementation, do your research, find out what things you need to do, do these 10 things and then always follow the rules of Salesforce.

So, number one, don’t live in Salesforce, which sounds counterintuitive to a Salesforce admin, but really what’s most important is your users. They’re the ones who are going to get value. They’re the ones who are going to come to you with problems. They’re the ones who are going to. Say, if you’re doing a good job or not, you might build all the custom objects and do a whole bunch of crazy stuff.

And, but if your users don’t use it, if they don’t recognize it, they aren’t going to think that you’re bringing any value to the team. So hang out with your users, spend time with them. Find out what they’re doing really get to know them and that will help you out as an administrator. Number two is don’t grant access until you’ve set up everything.

So those data quality prevention, those things that keep your data clean aren’t turned on by default. So you don’t want to let people in until you’ve put in those protections. Or your company, and then you want to make sure that you’re monitoring it. It’s not just set it and forget it. You may decide six months from now that what constituted good data in the beginning doesn’t anymore.

Or there’s a piece of data that you don’t actually know. So you need to always monitor your data quality. The next thing is, if it’s not in Salesforce, it didn’t happen. So you’ll hear Salesforce, admin say that all the time. I like to think that our sales reps put everything into Salesforce. But they don’t.

Right. So we need to let our users know and train them. If it’s not in Salesforce, it didn’t happen. Cause their management is going to come and say, I want to report of all the meetings that my sales reps logs. Well, if they’re not logging them in Salesforce, they didn’t happen. There’s no report for that.

And the last thing is once your org is all set up, how you like it, go ahead and spin up a sandbox. Even if it’s just the developer sandbox, anything you create going forward, you need to create it in sandbox first. That’s the golden rule of Salesforce. You always want to create it and test it in sandbox sandbox.

First, before you push it into production. Okay. So that’s everything that we were going to cover. Let’s look at our questions now and see what we have. So we have one question. If I need to reorganize my lead status, should I delete or deactivate my old lead statuses? So I would actually do both in the beginning, you’re going to deactivate them so that you don’t have people select them going forward.

Once they’ve been deactivated. You can run a report on all of your existing leads on those old deactivated statuses, and then you can update them. You don’t have to, but I would definitely do that to make sure that all of your leads are on a current status. Once you’ve got all the leads on the current status, you can go ahead and delete the old pick list values.

Okay. So we have one more question who should have access to the sandbox, all users or just admin, that’s really up to you. It depends on the type of sandbox and what type of work you are doing in the sandbox. So. If a user requests something and you build a feature for them and it needs to be tested, especially like automation.

I would definitely give those users access to the sandbox so that they can test it because. Our testing is fine, but we have the knowledge and the skills to get around errors and to navigate really well. So we aren’t even the best testers in that situation. We want people who don’t know as much as we do about the tool to test it.

Because it should be as easy and convenient as the use for the user as possible. Right? Salesforce isn’t for us, it’s for the users, that’s our job to make it convenient for them. So if you’re doing something that they need to use you definitely want to give them access to test it. If you’re just doing a sandbox.

Or maybe your own personal developer sandbox and you’re trying out a new idea. You have, you don’t necessarily need to give anyone access to that sandbox.

Okay. Do we have any other questions? Let’s see.

Okay. So I don’t see any other questions here. So I’m going to say thank you for joining us today. This has been really exciting. It’s been my very first webinar, so I’m really glad that you could all join and share this with us. And my information is here, Stacy, at quickly If you want to email me, please go ahead and email me.

I’m on LinkedIn as well. You can message me. And it was great sharing this all with you today. So thank you very much.

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