The Inner Workings of a High-Converting SaaS Website

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Every single SaaS website has a purpose that can be boiled down to this: communicating the customer-centric solution you are offering in an easy-to-understand manner, while creating product differentiation to generate leads. We may understand the goal, but how do we successfully execute it?

Join Hanan Rasool, CEO & Founder of Digital Rift Agency, and Emerald Lindskog, Senior Marketing Program Manager to discover the inner workings of a SaaS website. They break down specific elements that have proven to be successful on SaaS websites they have built and researched.

We share trade secrets pertaining to:

  • Creating lead magnets and effectively using them
  • Knowing when to gate vs. ungate assets
  • Coming up with an asset and content creation strategy
  • Differentiating your website and value from competitors


Emerald Lindskog:
Hi everyone. Welcome to our webinar today. We’re gonna give everyone a minute or so to join us and we’ll get started in just about a minute.

All right, let’s go ahead and get started. Hi everyone. Good morning. Good afternoon. Welcome to our next webinar in a series of webinars we’re doing focused on websites. Today’s topic is the Inner Workings of a High Converting SaaS website. My name is Emerald Lindskog . I’m the Senior Customer Success Manager here at Expert Marketing Advisors, and I’m joined today by Hanan Raul, CEO , and founder of Digital Rift Agency.

Hi, Hanan.

Hanan Rasool:
Hi, Emerald . How are you doing?

Emerald Lindskog:
Good. Excited to be talking with you today.

Hanan Rasool:
Again, great topic today.

Emerald Lindskog:
Yeah, it is. Same here. It is, it is. So Hanan leads a team of website designers and developers and is one of our partners here at eMa . They operate all of our websites services towards our clients, and we’re happy to have him here with us.

If you missed our first webinar in this series, which was focused on refreshing your website’s design, you can find that on our website under webinars, and we’ll go ahead and link that in the chat box for you today if you wanna check that out. So the main goal of really any website is to clearly state, you know, the customer-centric solution offering in an easy to understand manner, your value proposition, while also creating product differentiation and of course generating leads.

Your website is essentially your digital storefront and is really the most important tool in a web in any company’s demand generation strategy. So building and maintaining your website is really a large project that can usually require multiple people within different departments of your company.

And these projects can seem daunting and, and a little overwhelming sometimes. So our goal for this webinar series is to really. Kind of dissect certain topics relating to webinars and really give you a few key insights and takeaways that will help you optimize your website. We’d love for this to be an interactive process, so please go ahead and add your questions into the chat box and we’ll be sure to answer those live.

So today’s focus is going to be. How to build a high performing website aimed at demand generation and conversion. So we’ll really be covering key pages that you should be including on your website, asset and content creation strategies lead magnets and gating and un gating assets, tech stack essentials.

That work in tandem with your website and then the structure of a homepage. And so we’ll be able to give you some of those key takeaways that you can walk away from and say, okay, great. Now you have some action items on what to create and build for your site. So with that, I’ll pass it over to Hanan. Who can I identify key pages on your site.

Hanan Rasool:
Thank you so much Emerald, thank you for the great introduction and yeah. As you mentioned, the the basic objective of your website is two prong. One, to create awareness about your product, your solutions and two to generate leads and how do you generate leads. You do that by creating value for the end user.

So you need to keep a balance between both the approaches. You want to give as much information as possible about your company, about your organization at the same time Creating value for the end user and showing them how they can leverage your product, your solution offering to get a higher roi or save their costs or boost their sales.

So The pages that we’ve seen in the past are looking at multiple different websites that we’ve built and also of other competitors. There’s a certain list of pages which need to be with a website, with a new startup or a SaaS company, whether may that be an enterprise level or a new one to be taken seriously.

You need to, first of all, people need to know what the what the company’s about. What is the company’s story. It could be the founder’s story. If it’s a startup, it could be an. This page talking about the history of the company, you could incorporate your core values your vision, your mission statement over there.

And then obviously you want to talk about, you know, who are the key people running the show behind the scenes. So your team basically, You want to it’s a good practice to always link to their LinkedIn pages and so that people can go and visit and see what their past is where they’ve come from, what their experiences are, and you know, what experience they’re bringing in into this company.

And then obviously you need to have your product and services pages which an absolutely necessary. You also want to have a lot of. Pages about resources. Since SaaS websites and SaaS products vary from industry to industry, and there, there are multiple hundreds of thousands of products available now with some differentiation and.

You, you should not assume that people will just understand the language that you’re you’re using. They would like to know more about the company. They would like to know more about the solution offering, and you cannot feature all of that within just a couple of pages. So for that, you need to have your resources section your resources section will be highly critical in.

Generating leads in creating content for which people will come back to your website over and over again. Along with that many SaaS products are aligned or leveraging third party tools or interacting with other. Tools and apps available. So you need to have an integration page so that people can understand that yeah, this product will easily be integrable within my solution within my company, and we can link it up with whatever system we’re currently using.

And, you know, We can leverage it. Then you need to have a newsroom or press page. You can combine that with awards just like we’ve done with e m A website. Now, people usually do not pay focus to this page because they’re like, okay, fine. You know, this is not blogs, this is not case studies.

So why should we you know pay attention to PR . What PR does is it basically shows how active you are as a company what your achievements are whether you’ve been featured on other websites, whether you’ve been featured by other third party auditing companies and how active you have been in your industry.

And the events page does exactly the same thing. It shows people that, yeah, this company is staying ahead of the time. Taking part in every relevant exhibition or events which are occurring. And so yeah, that’s, that’s the purpose. You want to show that your company is proactive. It’s serious.

It’s not just a company which is staying static, but rather it’s a dynamic company and con constantly improving, constantly gaining more information, interacting with people. And another reason you want to build these pages or have you know, pay attention to your resources and your events pages is because you want to create, you want, you don’t just want to create a website which will serve as a knowledge base for your product, but rather.

Objectives should be to create a website, which is a source of latest information in industry trends for anyone who’s visiting your website. So it could be that people may not be interested in your product right now, but they find that the information you have over there is so relevant and so up to date and so intriguing and asking the real questions especially with your thought leadership articles that they would want to visit it over and over again, and that increases the chance of generating your leads.

And that is part of your content creation strategy what kind of content you need to create. And with that, I’ll pass it back to you Emerald to talk about it in more.

Emerald Lindskog:
Definitely. I think those are some great points Hanan about not just having the technical aspects of your product, but also giving a more well-rounded viewpoint into your company based on you know, who your team is, what awards have you won, what has the press saying, what events are you doing?

It kind of provides a little bit more of a behind the curtain viewpoint to your company as well as social proof. So I think those are some great things. Awesome. So yeah, it’s content creation. Let’s get into it. So content creation and asset creation strategy should really be an integral part of.

Obviously your company’s marketing and sales objectives, but of course, how do you then present these pieces of content to the public? And that’s gonna be through your website. And so it’s an integral part of, you know, content calendars, editorial calendars. Integral part of your marketing objectives.

And so this is an example of a monthly demand gen calendar that we use here at Expert Marketing Advisors. And when you look at it, you think, oh wow, that’s a lot of elements, and I think this is a. What we would maybe say is an ideal version of your Demand Gen and Programs calendar. I think when you’re starting in the beginning, it’s okay to maybe pick, okay, I’m gonna start with a monthly blog and a monthly newsletter, and then next month I’ll roll in a webinar and then next quarter we can roll in, you know, SEO.

So I think. Don’t look at this and maybe be a little overwhelmed. Look at this as, you know, your goal to get to and start with one or two things that you can execute, you know, successfully with your team. So included in our monthly suggestion of. Asset creation and programs is going to be, you know, a, a minimum of at least one new asset that’s pushed out the first week of the month.

That could be, you know, a podcast, that could be a video of, you know, one of your product managers talking about your product or service. It could be any type of. We also wanna include a knowledge base or info article. Again, like Hanan said, you know, with a lot of our content, we wanna use that to showcase thought leadership within our industry.

And so, Knowledge-based info articles are a great way to do that. We also suggest pairing a lot of this content with partners or guest posts so you can have you know, third party articles or a guest post that maybe someone within your company is doing with maybe you know, one of your product managers or your CEO is gonna be a guest on another company’s webinar.

Maybe they’re writing guest blog post s on Forbes, something that is kind of going through a third party. This helps a lot with back links with social promotion and things of that nature too. So the other thing is obviously not every month you’ll have a press release, but. A few times a year. The goal would be that you have a press release that’s gonna help show momentum.

So of course we’re gonna do press releases when we have, you know, like a new product offering. Or maybe there is a new C-Suite executive joining the team. But you can also use press releases to show growth and momentum, you know, maybe. You’ve had an excellent quarter in terms of sales or in terms of acquisitions of new clients.

So definitely have a PR strategy that encompasses your content creation because I think that’s a great way to really show the outside world and kind of give potential leads and customers validation is through press releases. We are also. Suggesting and doing so ourselves for the last six months or so, incorporating a LinkedIn newsletter into our overall strategy.

So not only do we push out a monthly newsletter from. You know, our marketing automation tool, which we currently use HubSpot, but we’re also using LinkedIn newsletters. It’s just another form of getting out, you know, our thought leadership. So we pick a couple topics that are relevant and you know, it’s just a short and sweet quick newsletter, usually on one topic.

Where we’re sharing input, advice, articles, things of that nature obviously we wanna push out a monthly blog post. I think this is key, and it’s even better if you can tie the blog post to other relevant topics that you’re promoting that month. So for us, one of our best practices is that we create a blog post.

That correlates to our webinar topic every month. So you’ll see on our website just today, our blog post this month is related to this topic, which is, you know, how to create a high generating website. It helps if you kind of can pick topics for your monthly content that also helps you Share relevant content.

Again, it can help with internal linking on your website. So definitely the way that you can help promote a lot of your content and make it easier for you in a lot of instances is to pick thematic content. So again, we’re doing all of this. We’re doing the monthly newsletter, we’re doing the blog post.

We’re doing third party articles. We’re doing new assets every month. We’re doing all of this. And it can get a lot to, it can take a lot to get there, right? Some months we don’t have the bandwidth and we won’t maybe do the third party article. So again, please don’t look at this and. You know, wow, this is a lot and I’m behind the times.

Think of this as a goal to get to again, the newsletter. I think if you could only pick a few, I would pick the blog post, the newsletter and the webinar. I think a newsletter is really one of the best ways to put out You know, it really minimizes the need for promoting individual assets, so it kind of gives you a way to combine all of your new content that month, and it’s really leaning into you.

Showing yourselves as an educational platform as well as thought leadership. So people might sub start subscribing to your newsletter because they know you’re gonna give out informative content about your industry and about products that are pertinent to your industry that month. So newsletters are great.

I think also. Really, what do you do with all this content once you have it? And that is, you know, adding them into nurture campaigns. Obviously they’re gonna be added to your website using them through social promotion. There’s a lot of great ways that you can leverage these once you have them.

And so I think that’s a lot of information in one place. But think of this as a goal to get to and take little pieces of actionable content each month and you’ll eventually build yourself up into, you know, what is kind of your monthly calendar and what that looks like for your company. Hanan, would you maybe add anything to that?

Hanan Rasool:
Just one small thing, just one small trick or trade secret that we use is whenever you’re doing a webinar, make sure to trans transcribe the webinar and hand and have the transcription on the website. So what that does is that gives you some room to utilize keywords and enrich your your SEO.

Efforts. So that’s the practice that we’ve been following For every webinar. We can go in and add some keywords to the transcription. If mostly the keywords are already there. You use them during the webinar, but in case they aren’t, you can always go in, add some keywords, link them to different assets, different pages, and that creates a lot of interlinkages and yeah, really boost your SEO .

Emerald Lindskog:
Definitely. That’s a great point. If, if folks do follow the link we added into the chat to see last month’s webinar, you’ll see that that page is sort of our best practices for webinars, where we include the abstract, the video presentation that’s on demand and open to anyone at any time, as well as the transcription.

And we usually include also the slide deck so folks can download that. And look at it at another point. So that’s a great point, Hanan, and definitely helps with SEO and interlinking throughout your site. Awesome. So let’s kind of talk a little bit about your assets and gating and un gating content. So, You know, if you don’t know, gating content is basically anything that would require a visitor to fill out a form to get access to that content.

So for today, those of you are that have joined us, you have filled out a form to get here today and register for this website. I’m sorry, for this webinar. And so I think any site should have a mixture of both gated and un gated content. And so how do you make a decision as to what? To gate and not to gate?

I think. You know, gated content is like a marketer’s dream, right? Because it’s an easy way to get leads, to get someone’s email address that’s taken action to say they’re interested in your content, they’re interested in learning more about your product, right? So I just think that more and more and say in the last year, what we found is that people are not as likely to fill out forms any longer.

I mean, I think they pretty much know now that when you fill out a form, you know you’re maybe gonna get signed up for. An email list or for a newsletter or to be maybe reached out to by someone from the team. And people are a little bit more apprehensive about doing that. I think LinkedIn put out a study that said, really only about 25% of people are willing to put in their email, or at least their, their real email address for gated content.

And so what that means is you really need to be selective about. Which, which pieces of assets you’re un gating and which you are gating. So I think a few rule of thumbs that we’ve kind of come up with is reasons for you to gate is that it has, you know, concrete solutions for a problem that. You know, your industry is facing and maybe how your product is solving it.

Things that have a lot of research, high value assets or maybe follow up content to something that’s undated or if you’re providing like a free tool or template. So I think that’s really, really some of the better ways and reasons to gate things. So undated content really should be everything else.

Most of what we just talked about in the ideal demand generation. Content calendar should be undated. So content that is educational about your product or service that should always be easily available for people who are visiting your site. Any information that is really like a hook to other content on your site and maybe content that’s also gonna lead people to stay on your site longer.

So, for us, as an example on if you look at expert marketing advisor’s website, We really feel that most of our educational content is undated. Yes. So all of our blogs that we put out one to two times per month, all of our webinars are open on our site, which didn’t used to be the case, you know, about a year or two ago we did gate all of our webinars.

But that’s no longer the case. These are free and on-demand at any time on our website. But some of the things that are gated are gonna be our playbooks. So we have put out. Playbooks for many of the services that we offer here at eMa . So things from events, from webinars to SEO and SEM we’ve created really high value playbooks that we wanna give away to people for free.

And that’s something that we do gate because it is a higher value asset, it’s giving people a template to use. So that’s something that we do gate and. To add into the mix of that when people do download say they download our events playbook, they are then added to a nurture campaign where we do send them similar assets on that topic.

So blog posts that we have related to events webinars that we have related to events, best practices. So we’re really trying to not just use. Email address that we have of someone who’s interested for nothing. We really are trying to give them supporting assets that are tied to the topic that they originally downloaded from us.

So that is one way that we are choosing to, to gate and un-gate content. I think it’s really important that you are trying to think about. Having a mixture of both and not just gating everything. I think because one of the things that we’re also finding in the last, you know, six months to a year, is that people are making decisions in a different way than they were before.

They don’t necessarily always wanna talk to someone from the company. They want all of the information. And they want to be able to make their own, kind of have more control over their own buyer journey. And so what we have found is that by creating educational content that is aimed at all of our buyer personas or ICPs at different stages of their process, is really helping us with moving people through the funnel.

Sometimes without even speaking to them, you know? And so I think your content should be really thought of in that.

Did I miss anything there, Hanan?

Hanan Rasool:
No, I think you covered it very comprehensively. Just one thing that I’d like to add is it’s always a best practice that whenever you’re sending out a nurture email campaign for example, I’ve signed up for the playbook and I’ve already shared my email address there should not be a need for, for the user to.

Over and over again for different playbooks. So one practice that we follow is we usually send links to other playbooks, which, for which they can just simply, you know, click the link and land on the playbook rather than going back, filling out the form again. And that just that little bit of ease makes a lot of difference.
And chances someone’s interested in your events playbook, that person may also be interested in your PR or. So that’s something keep in mind.

Emerald Lindskog:
Definitely. No, I think that’s a great point. I think any form on your website should be the most simplest and easiest form because you, you know, minimum name, email address, maybe company, right? But when you start to add in things like phone number or you know, even title or role within the.

Anything that’s more than just the bare minimum can sometimes deter people from completing the form. So you wanna make it as easy as possible. So I think that’s a great point, Hanan. Thank you. So let’s talk about your tech stack and what. In addition to your website, what are some of the tools that you need to be using to help facilitate, you know, leads, demand generation, and all of these processes that we’re talking about here?

So your tech stack is going to be a comp comprised of multiple different tools that are gonna help you with. Analytics with tracking, with attribution, with managing your, your customers and your leads and your sales to marketing pipeline and process. And so I think. The ones that we have listed on the screen here are ones that, you know, it might look different for you and for your tech stack.

These are just some examples. You know, ZoomInfo and Seamless AI. These are tools that are really gonna be focused in on looking to help support. Your database help you augment contact lists help you with prospecting, help you with intent data. You know, these are tools that are used by a lot of companies.

It’s not something you have to be using, but it definitely helps support It helps support your sales process and your database. So ZoomInfo can help you hone in on someone who’s maybe looking to buy and provide opportunities, you know, for you to connect those people or add them into email campaigns.

You know, it can also help you identify, you know, Potential leads by searching for people through job titles or functions. And it can also help you keeping your data clean, like data hygiene and things like that too. Sprout social and obviously LinkedIn. Well sales navigator or campaign manager. Are gonna also be helping you with your social media management and promotion both organically and paid through LinkedIn.

And then of course your CRM , HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce, and outreach. These are really gonna be your ways of managing both the inbound and pushing out the outbound. And so your tech stack may look very different, but I think without elements like this. That are connected to your website, you are missing out on really your full capabilities with lead generation, with following up on leads, keeping track of, you know, actions people are taking on your website, your intent data, things of that nature.

So without using. These tools or ones that are similar, you know, there could be missed opportunity within your marketing to sales pipeline, within your demand generation strategy. Hanan, do you have anything to add there?

Hanan Rasool:
Yeah, just a little bit about the analytics. Yeah, just a little bit about the analytics that you know, it’s imperative that you use Google Tag Manager to manage all the tags.

May those be your Facebook or LinkedIn tags. Those can all be centralized and managed through Google Tag Manager and also to make sure that you’re using GA 4. And You’re, you’ve set up all the events and the tracking correctly in your in your Google Suite. So what that does is once you look back, once you’ve run a campaign and once you know you’ve been active with your lead generation process, you can actually look back and provide you proper data.

You don’t have to worry about that you. How many people actually clicked on this but did not follow through to you know, get the asset. So that kind of information, these small events can be created. And the whole objective of having this tech stack is that no information is missed out at every point of the user journey.

You get these data points, which you can later on analyze and optimize your website according.

Definitely, you’re right. I mean the Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, it’s really one of the strongest tools in your toolbox, so to speak. And definitely, I know we only have a few more months left on Universal and people are making that move to GA four, so I know there’s a lot going on in that space right now too.

Awesome. I mean, I really think this could be its own webinar topic, so we’re just kind of touching on these tools lightly. But again, you know, if you have questions about marketing operations or your tech stack, you know, please reach out to us at expert marketing and we’re happy to kind of offer you some guidance here.

But this could really be its own one to two hour topic on a webinar, honestly. So we’ll just touch on that here. So let’s get into kind of the meat of it, the structure of a home page. So Hanan is really gonna walk you through, you know, what are the elements that should be included on a high performing homepage.

And hopefully this gives you some takeaway to, you know, go out with your team and start implementing some of these additions to your site. Yeah.

Yeah. So these are the basic best practices that we’ve come up with. We’ve experienced these to be working really well for all the companies for all the websites that we’ve worked on.

So obviously you need to, you need to have your hero banner. The most important part of your hero banner should be your value proposition. It should be very well worded. It should not be lengthy. You should keep it simple, just your punchline in five or six words. That should be your H one and then your H two.

Your subtitle can be a little bit more detailed could be a couple of sentence. But not more than that. You want to keep it zeroed in and focused on the customer-centric value proposition that your your company offers. And the way to sort of like a, a way to judge that is if layman reads that from your industry reads that will he be able to understand what your company does and will he be able to understand what value you’re delivering or not?

You mash that up with a very appealing. Visual in the background and you have a great hero banner. The only thing left to finish that off that off completely is having some CTAs over there and we emphasize on having low risk CTAs. So what is a lowest CTA versus you know, a regular CTA? So low CTA would be where the visitor has no obligation, is not going to lose out on anything.

Does not feel. Pressured to take the action. It could be something like, take the free demo or, you know, start your free trial. And whereas a high risk CTA or a regular CTA would be something like sign up for a demo or sign up for. Your free trial. So by doing that, or you know, we’ll be, might be asking you for credit card information once you do go to sign up.

So by doing that, people realize that, okay, I can, you know, get the feel of the product. I do not have to share some vital information with them. Many companies are using even LinkedIn uses the strategy that you gonna, you can start your free trial and you, but you provide your credit card details.

But one good thing that they do, they send you out they send out an email to you a day before they would actually start charging you. So just that extra bit of extra step makes it all the more convenient and risk fee for the user that I know that yeah, I’ll, I’ll receive an email so I can opt out for it so I’m not losing out on anything.

And if I want to continue using it, I don’t really have to go back and plug in my credit card details from scratch, and then, you know, I will be signed on. So it’ll be automatically done. And if I want to opt out I’m not losing anything. So that’s essential to have on your hero banner. Another element that your homepage should cover is your explainer video.

Since your solution often can be very complicated, very technical, and you target. May not understand just by reading the textual description, or, you know, they may not have the time to delve into your gated assets. To understand what the crux of the matter is, it’s ideal to have an architectural diagram, which clearly depicts how your solution works, what problem it’s solving, or you could do it in terms of an explainer video.

And then you need to have, excuse me. Then you have your product and solution offering, you lay down. Now the important part for this step is making sure that it is easy to understand and it is differentiated. This is something that SaaS companies struggle with a lot. They have a product and they, that product, they, they can’t really bifurcate between.

Different categories that they create. So it might be linked together to all, and it becomes really difficult for the user to understand that how do I, which, which product often should.

Offer. Are they all linked or is there an option or, you know, so you need to you need to be really careful in about enlisting out or deciding how you dissect your product offering. Then obviously you need to have a social proof over there and this social proof, you do not have to sort of consolidate on one section of the website.

The best strategy is to. Spread it across your website along with the cts that you have. For example, you could have your current clients write under your hero banner a small strip, so that, that right away creates that kind of authority and that kind of social proof that yeah, you already are working these with these big clients, big names.

So yeah, this is a trustworthy company. I can actually delve deeper into it. Then you can have your customer testimonials after the benefits. You can also use you know assets which are higher. For example, your use cases. A, a very good strategy would be to use your use cases, CTAs, along with your product or solution offering, for example.

It makes it easy for someone to understand that for a certain solution. How will this work for a banking industry? So you could have a banking industry use case that this is how the banks use it, this is how different industry verticals use it. Then obviously you could also have your own. For use cases and list down all the different verticals over there.

Could be industry specific, could be you know, use case specific that if you want to use your use your solution offering to analyze data. This is how you do it, this is how product teams do it, this is how data teams do it, and so on, so forth. And once you’ve done that, you’ve moved further down.

Scrolls further down to your page and you, you land on your more prestigious content your more exclusive content that serves as your technical proof. These could be your playbooks could be your guides, could be your strategy pieces which have a certain amount of research behind them. And these are usually the gated assets as mentioned earlier.

And finally, for creating authority or for staying up to date, you could have your block pieces your thought leadership pieces, your latest industry news. And a small tip to do that is always refer to your. Your sales team, they interact with the customers on a daily basis and get asked all types of different questions, and they have the latest information and the most relevant information about what the, what the end user is wondering about or what their what their hesitancy might be about.

And you can, you can turn.

Around that so that they can refer to where it creates an for sales team to leverage as well. Plus, if, you know, they’re not already talking to anyone, or the user is just going through his own bio journey and is hesitant about something, he might see a blog about it and, you know, that hesitancy will be cleared up.

So yeah, that’s, that’s a small trick that we usually use. And then obviously at the end you need to have you need to make sure that your website is accessible. What that means is that you have a live chat option available. If anyone wants to talk to a sales rep, sales reps might not always be available.

So it’s always good to have an AI chat bot. So you can, you can basically teach the AI chat bot a certain set of questions and how to answer them. And once they provide the basic information and they’re ready to talk to the salespeople, they can either, you know use the callback option or schedule a meeting option.

Or, you know, just provide their email and they’ll email them back whenever the sales rep is available. So these are small small tips and tricks that you need to take care of. Whenever, because you have designed a beautiful website, you’ve done everything right and at the end, if it’s just one form and it’s difficult to fill out and there are not many ways for people to reach out to you, you’re missing out on leads and.

Another thing about CTAs is you can use them not just on the homepage, but we strongly recommend using CTAs across your website on different pages. You could also have same CTAs on homepage, similar CTAs on on your product solution pages, and always have some CTAs throughout your blog as well.

Whenever someone is reading a blog. There should be a small section at the end or in the middle of the blog a a breakaway section sort of which which is relevant to the blog itself and the product or solution offering that you that you’re offering.

Emerald Lindskog:
I agree with that. I think it’s best to get as specific as possible with your CTAs when you obviously being low risk.

But I believe, you know, when you use something that’s simple like contact us, I think you’re opening yourself up to getting junk, if you will, or people who are maybe looking for job opportunities or press questions. So definitely doing your best to. Keep your CTAs low risk, but also specific to your offering.

Hanan Rasool:
Yeah, absolutely. And your objective for your website and for your content is to keep the user or keep the visitor as interested and spend as much time as possible on the website. The more relevant content they see on the website, the more interlinkages they they actually see on the website.

If they’re reading a product page and there’s a related solution, which is tied up with that, have a seat here for that. If there’s a case study for. You would want to have that over there if there’s a block for it, you would want to have that. So in a way you’re curating the content. You’re not just leaving it on the WordPress or whatever CMS you’re using to just, you know, place sporadically place the content anywhere.

You actually have to curate the content for each use is for each product offering. Mm-hmm. Definitely. And, and with that we basically covered all the homepage elements and we’ve also created a sort of key template best practice template, if you may, for for a SaaS website. So, Over here, you can see everything, all the details about the homepage what the product hook should be, what your headline should be like, and the rest of the pages.

And then obviously, you know, you you expand on all of these, so you need to have we talked about having some key pages in your website. So how it works is another one. What’s it for? Who is it for? Your target audience. You could have your different industry verticals over here, your use cases over here.

Why us are about us and your origin story. Your blogs. Which will, which will have you, which can have your. You know lead captures, it can have your latest thought pieces leadership pieces. And then obviously you have your integrations page, your resources page. Within the resources you can choose to have your events, your news and articles.

And it’s always good to have a documentation. Page within the resources so that it’s easily accessible. And if you have a large client base, you might also decide to have, break it away from resources and have a very you know, have it right there on the Nav Bar as documentation.

Emerald Lindskog:
Awesome. I think it’s great that you put this together, Hanan. I think our hopes are that you can look at this slide and the one before that and take those away, you know, as action items to review with your team. You know, if you don’t necessarily have a resources tab in your top Nav that has all of your. Case studies, blogs, webinars in one place that’s easily accessible, that you then go ahead and build that.

If you don’t really have, you know, an about us page that gives a glimpse into your story or your team, you know, that you can go ahead and then build that. So we’re hoping that, you know, you are able to take some of these items away as action items and get some value from, from looking at these, these couple of slides.

Awesome. So let’s get into some Q&A. I think Hanan, there is a question from the audience about SEO and you know, how does SEO play into a high converting website? I know that’s kind of a, a big topic, so is there any kind of key points that you can make from that?

Hanan Rasool:
Yeah. I think the biggest key point is that your SEO is, the reason why your SEO is so important is you can’t always rely on paid digital media. You’re always paying to get leads and most of the keywords are highly competitive and the cost per click can go up to $6 or $9 for some critical keywords.

How do you how do you sort of like reduce your your digital spend while at the same time increasing your lead generation or staying consistent with your pipeline development? And the short answer for that is s. The only problem is, or the only challenges, it takes a long time.

You have to be very consistent with it. The content strategy that we talked about today, that is highly critical for that. The more content you generate, the more chances you have for enriching your website with relevant keywords. So you have to be thematic. You have to focus on certain keywords.

For a given period of time you could, it could be that a hundred keywords are very relevant to your website, but you might not be able to churn the amount of content which is necessary to target all of them. So you pick a theme and you develop your. Content strategy around that. And in doing so, what you’ll be doing is you’ll be doing webinars writing blogs and everything that you basically all the assets that you create during the, that one quarter or two quarters will be highly relevant to those keywords.

So you have 20 keywords, which you’ve shortlisted. Based on a certain theme, and you’ve created Interlinkages through those assets, and when the Google bot comes in to crawl the website, they will see that. Yeah. This website is highly in interactive. It is highly dynamic. It is churning out new content on a weekly basis or a biweekly basis, so it’ll, it’ll crawl your website more often.

Slowly and steadily, your ranking will start to rise. Also the point that you mentioned earlier about doing guest blogging or you know doing webinars with third party platforms as well that will help you a a lot as well if you, if you. You know, have a webinar. If you write a guest blog for Forbes or for any other domain, which is a high authority domain, you would be taking advantage of that domain.

You’ll be leveraging that domain. So the battling that is created to your website is of high quality. And when Google sees that, it rewards you in terms of ranking. So, yeah, SEO is absolutely critical. It’s essential for a business which is just starting off. Yes they would rely heavily on their paid digital but with the passage of time, their reliance on paid digital should go down.

And the eventual goal is that you, your pipeline is also driven through your organic traffic.

Emerald Lindskog:
Awesome. I couldn’t have said it better myself, and I think you’re spot on in that. You know, the calendar that we showed of your demand generation asset creation content calendar is. Part of those elements are geared towards driving back links and strategy.

You know, you’re consistently creating content. You’re including keywords in that content. You are driving traffic to your website through your own social media posts, through third party contributed articles to guest blogging or webinars to your PR and getting. You know, news media and press out there.

So the content calendar that we created, even though we didn’t expressly touch on SEO , all of those elements are geared towards your SEO strategy as well. So that’s great.

Hanan Rasool:
Yeah. And just focus on instead of going for quantity of backlinks, you should be focusing on the quality of backlinks.

And the quality can be determined by the domain authority. So you have a domain authority score. The higher the domain authority, which is creating or giving you the backlink the better it is. So rather than having a hundred back links from low domain authority websites or thousands of back links from low domain authority websites, it would be

More, it would be better to have a host lesser number instead of thousands, could be hundreds. But those are being attributed from high domain authority websites, so that’s always a good strategy.

Emerald Lindskog:
That’s a great point. That’s a great point. Awesome. Well, I think that wraps up our topic today. We wanna thank you all for joining us again.

You know, we’ve put a couple links in the chat box to our website that houses all of our webinars, including this one. We’ll be up and running on our website within the next day or so. Along with the presentation and the transcription you can find more information about our upcoming monthly webinars on our LinkedIn page.

And Hanan, I appreciate your time with us today. Thank. Thank you so much. Okay, good. Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of their day and we’ll see you soon. Thank you.

Hanan Rasool:
Take care. Bye.

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