Effective Programs & Targeted B2B Marketing Campaigns

Ignite your brand’s growth and achieve quantifiable results with webinars, blogs, and other mediums that resonate with your audience and deliver measurable success. From demand generation to ABM strategies, our B2B marketing campaigns are customized to align with your business goals and drive impactful engagement.

The process

Our process of designing B2B marketing campaigns and programs ensures your brand shines bright, keeping clients hooked on top-notch content. Here’s how we do it:

  • Hosted on the 3rd Thursday of each month
  • Co hosted w/customer or partner
  • Sent monthly – beginning or end of the month
Blogs & Podcasts
  • Topic complements monthly webinar
  • Pushed out first week of the month
  • Externally written blog by Influencers quarterly
  • Builds credibility in your market
  • SEO / SEM running daily to drive traffic to website
  • Keywords narrowed for goal search terms
  • Identify gaps & create pages for targeted keywords
  • SEO as a tactic is ongoing, SEM page one spend can be high in the early days until SEO page ranking grows
Physical Events
  • Industry summits / trade shows quarterly
  • Hosted events / roadshows
  • User groups

Case Study

71% less spend, 3x impressions, 2x clicks: Cybersecurity success story

Vectra’s new users and sessions on LinkedIn increased by over 100%. Their Google Ads impressions also skyrocketed by 525%, with a 127% increase in post clicks, all while experiencing a 10% decrease in cost per lead.

Targeted B2B marketing campaigns that drive results

We create focused B2B marketing campaigns to achieve specific marketing goals:


Campaign Goal Alignment

We align campaign activities with your desired outcomes, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or customer acquisition. (See "eMa's Approach to B2B Marketing Campaigns" table for details)


Multi-Channel Execution

We leverage various channels like email marketing, social media campaigns, paid advertising, and public relations to reach your target audience effectively. (See "The Process" table for details and "Best Practices for B2B Marketing Campaigns" table for more)


Track and Optimize

We closely monitor campaign performance and make data-driven adjustments to maximize impact. (See "Best Practices for B2B Marketing Campaigns" table for details)

Take a look at this image for possible distribution places:

Learn More


Master the art of content creation and execution

Learn content best practices and execute a mix of inbound and outbound digital activities, including newsletters and webinars, to support your overall B2B marketing campaigns and their objectives.

Marketing Programs Playbook

Our Certifications

Navigate changing trends in modern marketing with confidence

Inbound Marketing Badge

Case Study

This services company achieved a 66% lead-to-proposal rate by implementing ads

Discover the remarkable journey of Insite Managed Solutions and their game-changing ad campaign. With SEM precision and dynamic keyword optimization, they achieved a 66% lead-to-proposal rate, surpassing industry benchmarks.

Best practices for B2B marketing campaigns and programs

Explore how to make your campaigns and programs shine and your brand stand out:

Keep your audience hooked through monthly engagement

Stay consistent for all activities

Spread the word through various social platforms, newsletters, and SEM

Measure success

Make your business grow with our goal-driven strategy, crafted to deliver clarity, purpose, and vision. We measure progress by quantifiable results mentioned below:

Ready to Attract, Nurture, and Convert?
Let’s work together for continued success